Dorr Twp. finds way to be contentious on culvert project

As so often is the case in Dorr Township Board meetings, seemingly routine matters became contentious.

Trustee John Tuinstra led a failed one-man revolt Thursday evening against the township contracting with the Allegan County Road Commission to have one culvert replaced for $15,000 and another for $20,000. One is located at 21st Street north of 144th Avenue and the other at 138th Avenue west of 16th Street.

Tuinstra moved to have project approval delayed until next month’s meeting of the Township Board. He failed to get a second.

“We can’t vote to approve this until we get the whole picture,” he maintained. “I want us to make an informed decision,” insisting the culverts be inspected first to see if there really is a need for the work.

“None of us have actually looked at both projects,” he added.

Trustee Dan Weber countered that the Road Commission has a lot of projects on its plate this summer and, “If we hold this up a month, it may not get done at all.”

Township Supervisor Jeff Miling said the Road Commission has determined the work is needed and he questioned whether Tuinstra was better informed than the engineers about the work.

At one point, Tuinstra became noticeably perturbed with Miling, saying, “I think you’re being sarcastic. You’re being disrespectful.”

In the end, the board voted 6-1 to proceed with the work orders for the projects.

The Township Board handled a lot of business regarding infrastructure, particularly roads. In other matters, members:

  • Approved the bid of $51,400 from Stoneco for graveling for 2.3 miles on 138th Avenue east from 24th Street and about two miles on 16th Street from 142nd Avenue south to 138th.
  • Was told by Clerk Debbie Sewers that the township is running out of cemetery space and there may be overtures for the Louis Bartz property of 18 acres.
  • Approved the expenditure of $750 for dust control on 136th Avenue from 12th Street to 18th Street. Miling said he will ask Hopkins Township to pay for half of the work because the road travels three miles along the line between the two townships, but the Hopkins Township Board voted not to do any dust control this year.
  • Decided to bid out for the job of sexton of cemeteries because maintenance employee Jared Simon declined to do the work.

“He told me he’s got enough to do and needs all his time to keep up with his work,” Miling said.

Bob Merren will retire from job as of Jan. 1, so the township will seek bids and review the top three in October.

PHOTOS: John Tuinstra   Jeff Miling



1 Comment

  1. Rich Snyder

    Why would you waste money replacing perfectly good culverts on 21st when the ones on 144th are damaged and partly washed out if someone hits the washout I would think it would be lawsuit time what in the hell are you guys smoking down there anyways Rich Snyder

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