Clipper Logo_6_4Martin saw its season record fall to 5-13 overall Thursday when its baseball team lost a doubleheader to Fennville 8-4 and 8-2.

“We just made too many mistakes,” said Martin coach Jon Gambee. “It is discouraging to realize that at this point in the season we are not getting better at the basic fundamentals. We practice, practice, practice, but we just aren’t getting to where we need to be to be competitive.”

In the opener, Fennville scored one run in the first inning, four in the fourth and three in the fifth. Martin scored three times in the fourth and once in the seventh.

Garrett Altman and Tanner Curry both had two hits for Martin, while Garrett Dill, Saul Altman, Tyler Smith and Clayton Brenner each had one safety.

In the second game Martin gave up three runs in the second, three in the fourth and two in the seventh. The Clippers scored their only two runs in the final frame.

Hunter Fitzpatrick had two hits for Martin and other hits were by Saul Altman, Tyler Smith and Clayton Brenner.

Martin is scheduled to play in the Kelloggsville Invitational Tournament Saturday. Other teams will include Saranac and Hastings.

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