Tyler Zomerlei (23) scored 14 points against Godwin.

In days gone by, the Hopkins boys’ varsity basketball team could count on being clobbered by perennial O-K Silver Conference champion Wyoming Godwin Heights.

Those days are gone, it seems. Godwin for the second time this season squeaked by the Vikings, this time by a 69-63 count, coming on the heels of a 50-48 verdict last month. So coach Jake Jewett’s lads are 4-2 now in the league, with both losses to Godwin by single digits.

The Wolverines led at all period stops, but only by two, 41-39, to start the last eight minutes.
“I’m proud of the way we competed and handled Godwin’s pressure,” Jewett said. “We had some calls go against us at crucial points in the game, but we continued to fight until the end.”
Sophomore point guard Colin Weber led the Vikings with 15 points, Tyler Zomerlei was close behind at 14
Hopkins, now 8-4 for the season overall, is scheduled to play a makeup contest Wednesday evening against O-K Silver rival Kelloggsville.


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