Hopkins FFA chosen as 1 of Michigan’s top chapters

Pictured above, the Chapter Officer Team (L to R): Emilie Coffey, VP; Leah Ellis, Reporter; Kaden Petroshus, Sentinel; Gracie Langlois, President; Tally Laarman, Secretary; Colby Tucker, Treasurer.

by Kimberly Bollone

The Hopkins FFA was named one of top three chapters in the State of Michigan last month through the National Chapter Award Program after submitting an award application this winter.

Gracie Langlois and Emma Langlois then represented the chapter while at convention at Michigan State University by presenting chapter highlights in the presentation portion of the contest and earned Hopkins top honors. This is the second year in a row Hopkins has received this award. Sixteen Hopkins FFA members received state recognition at the convention.  
Hopkins qualified in five state leadership contests by placing either first or second at the district and regional level in February. Of 18 students competing at the district level, 13 advanced to regionals, and 9 qualified for state.

Kaden Petroshus was named state runner-up in Extemporaneous Public Speaking. In this contest, he drew a question related to his topic area, Agriscience and Technology, upon arriving and had 30 minutes to write his speech and present it.

Olivia Belden was named state runner-Up in Greenhand Public Speaking with her speech on horse rescue titled, “From Kill Pen to Companion.” Chase Laarman also competed in the Greenhand Public Contest and received a silver medal with his speech on “Climate Change’s Effect on Small Peach Producers.”

Ellise Wedge received a gold medal in the Creed Speaking Contest.

Emilie Coffey, Leah Ellis, Tally Laarman, Carson Schricker and Colby Tucker received a silver medal in Agricultural Issues with their presentation on “Can Cultured Meat Compete with Conventional Meat Production?”  

Several members were recognized with a state level award based on their academics and FFA involvement. Paisley Dorman, Tally Laarman, and Baleigh Schricker received their Outstanding Junior award based on their Supervised Agricultural Experience project, FFA involvement, and academics.

Emilie Coffey, Leah Ellis, Gracie Langlois, and Carson Schricker all received their State FFA Degrees. This is the highest degree bestowed upon an FFA member at the state level based on income earned from their Supervised Agricultural Experience project outside of class, FFA involvement above the chapter level, and academics.

Gracie Langlois was named the state winner in Veterinary Science for her skills learned through her Supervised Agricultural Experience placement at Town and Country Veterinary Hospital in Allegan.

Three members had the opportunity to showcase their musical talents on the main stage in front of more than 1,000 people. Addison Moored participated in the state band while Baleigh Schricker and Carson Schricker sang in the state choir.

1 Comment

  1. Billy Bregg

    Awesome! Nothing else to say.

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