Labradoodle therapy dog works in middle school

“Dunkin” is a therapy dog working at Wayland Union Middle School this fall. He is a 2-year-old Labradoodle, who has been certified through West Michigan Therapy Dogs. He spends his days bringing joy to staff and students, greeting them in the hallways, sitting next to them in the classroom, and saying goodbye to everyone at the end of the day at the buses.

1 Comment

  1. Tom Tarnutzer

    I am very pleased to hear about the therapy dog at Wayland Union Middle School. These dogs are just a joy and help when needed and just are nice to have in a school. My son, Todd. is in charge of the therapy dog at Portage Central High School and has told me many stories about how the golden retriever has helped many students and is just nice to have in the school. Good job, Wayland Union.

    Tom Tarnutzer

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