by Austin Marsman

Martin Friday night wound up 15 points shy of a three-game winning streak, as a focused and talented Gobles girls’ basketball squad maintained an insurmountable lead for most of the game and claimed a 46-31 victory.
Spearheading the effort for the Tigers was junior Kylee Mandigo, who totaled 15 points. Gobles’ points kept racking up and a 30 to 10 notice was on the scoreboard at halftime.
Martin left the locker room with a renewed focus and things were looking up. Unfortunately for the Clippers, their efforts weren’t enough for a home victory due to the strong defense of Gobles.
Kiaya Warner fought her way to the hoop, notching 12 points to lead Martin. Jaclyn Hildebrand put up 9 points, while both Faith Guritz and Freddie Elkins were held to just 4 points.
The now 5-5 Clippers are back on their home court this Tuesday for another SAC showdown against Saugatuck.
(Photo courtesy of Austin marsman)