The Hopkins varsity softbalimgl team won two of three encounters in a tournament at Holland Saturday, but the one loss was to its old nemesis, Calvin Christian.

The Lady Vikings defeated larger schools Holland 5-3 and Grand Haven 7-6 earlier in the day, but late Saturday afternoon was victimized 9-3 by the Squires for the third time this season.

Morgan Fifelski threw 3 and two-thirds innings, yielding five hits and two walks and struck out two. Hailey Burch threw the rest of the way, three and a third, innings, and gave up 5 hits, struck out two and hit one batter.

Offensively, Courtney Dusseau had a double.

Burch threw 4 innings in the victory over Grand Haven and gave up 6 hits. Fifelski threw 3 innings, gave up 4 hits.
Ky Winchester had 2 singles, catcher Jade Burch had a double with 4 RBIs

Hailey Burch threw all 7 innings in the opener against Holland. She gave up 8 hits, walked one, but only one of the Dutch runs was earned.

Kristi Lenard had 3 singles and Dusseau 2 to pace the offensive attack.

The Lady Vikings now are 12-6 overall for the season.

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