The Wayland High School girls’ varsity bowling won 26 -4 over O-Gold Conference rival Wyoming Wednesday, but the boys’ team fell 27.5 to 2.5.

The Lady Wildcats’ Baker games of 119 and 116 were high enough to win, their second in two starts.

“Those will need to improve against some of the tougher teams,” commented boys’ oach Sherry Miklusicak.

Taking points for Wayland were Hayley Taylor, Kendra VanKoevering (both points), Bella Harnish (both points), and Amber Beggs. High games were by Amber Beggs 170 and Bella Harnish 162.

Miklusicak said of her boys’ team, “It is a pretty tough start to the season. We were looking at four strong starters and that has quickly dwindled beyond our control. We hope for their return. We cannot dwell on what could have been and need to move forward.”

About Wednesday’s loss, she added, “We need to become consistent with our first balls with a focus of hitting the head pin 80% to 90% before we can focus on converting easy spares. We are leaving difficult spares. This season will be about weekly improvement and personal finishes for our seniors, but I still hope for more.”

Highlights of the evening were senior Dillon Smith with a 221, taking his point. The other point was won by senior Christian Courser and freshman Mark Musgrave taking the half point for the tie.

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