Lizzy CobbIt was a mixed bag Thursday night for the Wayland varsity bowling teams. The girls remained unbeaten in eight dual matches this season with a convincing 29.5 to 0.5 pasting over Byron Center, but the boys somehow faltered in a 17-13 loss.

Lady Wildcats coach Bill Holbrook said, “The team was strong from start to finish tonight with eight ladies getting in to bowl. We came out much stronger in our Baker games tonight, winning both 170-147 and 136-110 to give us a quick 10-0 lead.

In the first team individual game Wayland took 8.5 out of 9 points shooting 806 to Byron Center’s 564. This assured the Lady Wildcats of the win with 18.5 points already.

Holbrook had to leave early for his college orientation and with the win already in hand, mass substitutions were made. The Lady Wildcats finished of the night taking the final 11 points, firing a 788 to BC’s 448.

“This proves what I already feared… they don’t really need me there to win!” Holbrook exclaimed.

Sophomore Sydney Urben and Senior Lizzy Cobb led the Lady Wildcats all night firing 196-247=443 and 200-171=371 respectfully. Other notable scores tonight included Junior Erin Porteous 168 and Senior Aubree Hodges 150.

“Though several of the ladies struggled tonight individually, they were still able to compete hard and make sure they took their individual points,” Holbrook commented. “It’s important to your team to battle to the end and if you have a chance to win your point to do it.”

Freshman Amber Beggs saw her first varsity conference action and won her point, as did Sophomore Jessica Henderson.

Next up is Grand Rapids Catholic Central at 3:30 p.m. Monday at the Park Center in Wyoming.

Boys’ coach Sherry Miklusicak said her group started out on fire, not missing a spare in the first Baker game this evening, winning 212-185. The second Baker game was Wayland 165-158 and The Wildcats were up 10-0, just like the night before against South Christian.

But Byron Center proved to be a tougher opponent, shooting 1095 as a team in the first of individual games.

“A little math here: 1095 divided by 5 players = 219 average,” Miklusicak said. “That is pretty tough to beat.”

Byron had top scores of 269 (David Northouse) and 265 (Griff Ferdals). Wayland had Cameron Heintzelman’s 224 game. Wayland lost every point in this match. It was now Wayland 10 – Byron Center 9.

“We only needed to take 6 points after the Baker games and we just couldn’t do it, but we sure tried,” the coach said. “We basically lost total in the second set of individual games by 16 pins! Argh – just two more spares.

It took the tenth frame to defeat the ‘Cats. Bryan Franck and Jordan Peters both struck out in the tenth frames (unfortunately so did the opponents). A couple of opens in the tenth frame doomed Wayland to finish the evening.

Austen Beggs was high scorer in game two with a 222.

“We will have a chance to even the score when they come to Airport Lanes in February,” Miklusicak promised.

PHOTO: Another good night for Lady Wildcat senior Lizzy Cobb.

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