erin-porteusThe Wayland varsity girls’ bowling team opened its conference season Monday afternoon with a victory at Northfield Lanes against Forest Hills Eastern, 22.5 to 7.5.

The Lady Wildcats split the two Baker games (130-153 and 181-173) but lost the two bonus points for Baker total (311-326) to fall behind early 6-4.

The momentum changed quickly in the first individual game with the Lady Wildcats taking all nine points possible (788-572) to take the lead 13-6. They finished strong in the second individual game taking all but 1.5 points (749-669) to win the match going away.

Leading the way this afternoon for the Lady Wildcats was senior Erin Porteous, who marked in all four of her frames in the Baker format and threw two solid games in the individual format (157-174=331). Junior Sydney Urben was strong all day as well, (154-179=333). Sophomore Mackenzie Banas took advantage of her first opportunity on the varsity team in conference play with a 168.

PHOTO: Erin Porteous

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