The Wayland girls’ varsity bowling team continued to amaze and excite with a 24-6 win over East Grand Rapids Monday.
“I can’t say how pleased I am to see the success of our very young team that features only one senior,” said coach Mike Omness.

The Lady Widcats lost the first Baker game , but came back to take the second Baker game win and by enough pins to take the Baker total as well.

High games for the evening were by senior captain Amber Beggs with game of 171 and 174, which were winning points.

“I nicknamed her ‘Ole Lady’ for the evening as she pulled a muscle in her back and was bowling in pain this evening,” Omness said. “What a trooper! If you knew about the bad luck our boys are having this season, you would believe someone had to have put a curse on us this season.”

Freshman Haley Taylor won both of her matches this evening, as did freshman Bella Harnish. Other points won this evening were by sophomores Lainey Rollandini and Kendra VanKoevering and freshman Lilly Gates.

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