The Wayland girls’ varsity bowling team launched its O-K Gold-Green Conference bowling season Monday with a resounding 22-8 victory over Grand Rapids Christian at Park Center Lanes in Grand Rapids.

The Lady Wildcats started slowly in the two Baker matches, with a
111+158=269, but earned six of the 10 points.

Amber Beggs bounced back from a tough injury to her thumb in tourney play Saturday. She bowled leadoff tonight in individuals with scores of 124+115=239.

“This may not seem like much,” senior co-captain Marissa Bruisslot said, “but after a difficult Saturday of bowling, she never once resorted to giving up.”
Senior anchor Sydney Urben bowled very well with leading scores of
202+193=395, which helped her snag both of her points. Junior Mackenzie Banas also scored both of her points with 174+146=320.
Bruinsslot got one of her points with 128+167=295. Senior Jessica Henderson also gained one of her points with

“The lane conditions were different than what we are used to, but the feeling of defeat from Saturday was enough to spark a fire of motivation tonight,” Bruinsslot declared.

Wayland also won 8 points for the winning total for both games with a 756, and 745.

“These lady ‘Cats are a group of girls everyone should be proud of,” the co-captained said. “They don’t like to lose. They don’t like to give up. They took Saturday and turned it into a learning moment… We’ve got a lot of girls who know how to set their minds toward the win and accomplish it.”

The Lady Wildcats bowl next Wednesday against arch-rival South Christian.

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