Let’s back 2 parties and sack straight party voting

“In one-party system you have one party. In two-party system, you have two parties. In multi-party system you have… more than two parties.” — Dr. Sunjook Junn, GVSU political science professor

ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor.

I’ve written it often, and I’ll maintain it until the day I shrug off my mortal coil: People will do the right thing if you make it convenient for them to do so.

This applies to that really awful habit in these parts of voting straight ticket. I suppose some vote straight Republican because that’s kind of government they want, but the mindless practice of pushing one lever too often reflects voters’ apathy and intellectual laziness. It’s so much easier to vote this way when the election rules encourage it.

That’s why I’m bringing up once again a proposal to insist all voters to go up and down the ballot to make their choices in all races. They could still vote straight ticket, but this time they’d have to color in each box.

Now I understand that in days gone by it was a hassle to spend too much time casting a ballot, especially with people waiting in line behind you and perhaps not a whole lot of time that can be spent at the polls in just one day every two years.

But in recent years, many of us have taken that bold step forward with implementing of mail-in voting, which enables the voter to take his or her time in the comfort of his or her home. So with time pressures alleviated, more careful examination of the issues and candidates can be exercised.

For too long the two major political parties have encouraged voting straight ticket, not caring a whit about the better option of splitting the ticket. This practice has been at the root of a solid Democratic Detroit and a solid Republican West Michigan.

“We like the way things are around here. Vote straight Republican.”

That reduces everything to an all or nothing system, more insidiously to a one-party system, the kind we abhor when looking at dictatorial governments in other countries. We used to sneer at Russia’s so-called elections in which the current fearless leader was elected by a landslide. Yet we turn a blind eye to it when it occurs in our back yard.

I’ve often written about the tyranny of the undemocratic one-party system, in which sometimes quality candidates are turned away simply because they belong to the “wrong” party.

In one-party system…

Not long ago and not far away, there once was a Democrat appointed to the Village Council. She was an attorney and provided free legal advice on occasion. Her Republican colleagues were so impressed they begged her to switch parties and when that failed they personally knocked on doors of village residents to ask them to split their ticket to vote for her. She still lost.

By enabling the continuation of the one-party system we assure the game will continued to be rigged and unfair. And we become the totalitarian system of government we say we don’t have in these United States.

If a law was passed outlawing the ease of straight ticket voting, we’d still provide the majority one-partiers the opportunity to win the elections. It’s just that we’d make it harder and less convenient to do so.


  1. Bass Man

    How about this. Only voting on election day. No mail-in ballots (too easily hijacked and made out by democrat deviants), only Absentee Ballots allowed, like before Covid. Straight ticket or individual vote as is done now.

    It was working fine until 2020. Then all hell broke loose with mail-in balloting. But Democrats plan on getting dementia Joe elected again and can only win by slight of hand (read that cheating as in 2020).

    I know you prefer Democrats and are outnumbered here. Maybe you should vote with your feet and be with east Michigan folks where you’d be more comfortable?

    • DTOM seems so concerned about government spending, yet states and private institutions spent millions trying to find election fraud, but like every thing Republicans try, it backfires on them. Just like trying to impeach President Biden with no evidence after two years of tax dollars being spent with not one damn proof of any connections with his son business. Too bad they couldn’t put that effort into working on legislation, but we know they have no idea or solutions to solve anything.

    • Poll Worker for years

      I worked the polls in Leighton Township, so I know for fact that many republicans voted early, in fact, many more than democrats. Why do you think that most early voters are democrats anyway? Why is it that republicans seem to always be the ones wanting to limit the voters opportunity to vote? Are you really afraid of the final outcome if everyone votes? Our elections are very secure, whether we are given 1 day to vote or ten. In fact, I’d be up for everyone voting by mail-in ballots similar to Colorado,

      • Bass Man

        With early voting and absentee ballots available, there is more access to voting than ever. With mail-in balloting, even Jimmy Carter agreed it is rife with possible fraud and said it should not be used.
        What is so hard about 9 days to vote or requesting an absentee ballot? Where is the restricting access to any resident and U.S. citizen?
        Why is it Democrats love mail-in ballots? Ballot stuffing again on 2024 like 2020?

  2. Bobby

    Straight ticket encourages ignorant voting. Ignorance is bliss.

  3. Walt Tarrow

    I came across this quote from Kierkegaard that pretty much sums it up
    “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use “

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