Dear Wayland Union Schools voters,
Why would an 81- year-old veteran with no children currently in the Wayland Union Schools want to vote “yes” to the current bond proposals?
A strong school system improves neighborhoods and makes the school district more attractive and appealing. All members have the responsibility to support the schools and our future generation of leaders, educators and citizens.
Our vote of “yes” is an obligation that we are proud to repay to Wayland Union School District that helped support our children’s education. It is a privilege and an honor to support proposals 1 and 2. We hope that everyone in Wayland Union Schools feels the same and can see the importance of voting.
Our obligation to our schools did not end when our children graduated. In fact, it continues to this day. Even if you currently do not have any children in the school district, please vote “yes” to proposals 1 and 2 on May 2nd.
Thank you for your consideration.
Burrell and Phyllis Stein
Beautiful Wayland, Mich.
Editor’s Note: Burrell Stein is former mayor of Wayland.

Posted inEditorial
There are many who would like to support the millage, however, they are on limited budgets that are already stretched to the limit. Between the government confiscation of income taxes, state taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes, fees, and more taxes.
Evidently the former mayor isn’t bothered by more confiscation. Good for him!
The rest of us workaholics are.
Free Market Man, just for your information, I’m also on a limited budget and am ready to invest in the education of our students who will be supporting us as we age. And I complement you on being a gutless “NOBODY”. Identify yourself if your opinion is so well thought out. People like you make me ill.
Mr. Stein, thank you for the comment. I realize I am a “nobody”, not a somebody (or is that busybody?) like you. From a gutless, ill nobody, I wish you and the school system luck in the upcoming election.
Mr “Free Market Man,”
For a person with such continual negative and reactionary statements my question is: Why are you stilll too chickenshit to sign your name?
Mr. Gless, you’re right, I’m chickenpoop,
I’m just a loveable little fuzzball perpetually scared of liberals with their anger after the monumental disaster election loss for Democrats. They are losing their grip on reality.
I just brought up a different viewpoint concerning the upcoming school millage election. No matter who I am, I think the 1st Amendment allows me to voice my viewpoint since I pay taxes in the district.
As I addressed Mr. Stein, good luck in the upcoming election and think happy thoughts.
As a fellow “senior citizen” I voted for both of the school proposals. As Americans we need a strong educated future of our kids! Think about a sec.
“As Americans we need a strong educated future of our kids! ”
I completely agree in your statement. However take a look at the budgeted amount for artificial turf for the football field, over 1 million dollars. How does this foolish expenditure help educate our children’s future? Then find out how long the artificial turf will last and or guaranteed for. We need people who will spend money like it’s coming out of their own pockets.
Copied from a manufacturer:
“For how many years will a FieldTurf field last?”
The industry standard is an eight (8) year warranty on the turf materials.