Presidential primary early voting now under way

Early in-person voting is now going on for the Michigan presidential primary for all precincts.

Early voting is under way at Dorr, Leighton, Martin, Watson, Hopkins and Wayland townships and the City of Wayland.

The official date for Michigan’s presidential primary election is Tuesday, Feb. 27, but there are plenty of opportunities to vote ahead of that day.

There are three options for voters:

  • Mail-in absentee ballot. It may be applied for by contacting township, village or city clerks where voters live. Deadline for submission is 8 p.m. Feb. 27.
  • In-person early voting, in which people can show up at their voting sites between Feb. 17 and Feb. 27. This is available as a result of approval statewide by voters in a ballot proposal in November 2022.
  • Voting on election day Tuesday, Feb. 27.

Voters are reminded that they cannot split their ticket in a primary. They must vote in either the Democratic or Republican Party ballot. 


  1. John Wilkens

    Vote early and vote often, the Democrat platform!


    • According to the city clerk only 11 people have voted in the first three days of early voting, let me guess I bet they all were for the orange clown.

  2. Tony Baloney

    It may be worthy of mention, that any registered voter in Michigan can legally vote in any primary, regardless of party affiliation or registration identification.

    For example, a die hard Democrat or registered Democrat can vote in the Republican primary against Donald Trump. This is likely a futile exercise, although it can help send a message through the numbers and it could be a cathartic exercise.

  3. Bass Man

    Vote to stop the Marxist Democrats. The extra money you don’t have is due to Biden’s presidential executive orders and resulting inflation, high energy and food prices. Thanks for voting in the dementia king and Biden Crime Syndicate!

  4. Tony Baloney

    Hello fellow West Michigan humans,

    Do you enjoy the feeling of superiority, disregard, or blame shifting any problem onto your neighbors or perceived enemy team? Are you partial to the blissful ignorance of floating around in a filter bubble of misinformed propaganda?

    If you are impressed with the recent performance of the congressional GOP members. If fear mongering on the immigration and border security issue, then backpedaling and capitulating
    into intentional inaction at the desire of the dictator wannabe Donald Trump gave you the feeling of security.

    Then I encourage you to hop aboard the bandwagon(Trump train) with no plan. Bring your whip, there will be plenty of time to beat the dead horses of fear, hate, blame, and possibly even your friends and family members. I must caution you not to look down though, you may realize that this ride has been in the process of driving off a cliff.

    This message has been entirely sarcastic in nature, however it is reflective of the choice we face.

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