Ranger Rick: At the 11th hour, it is Hillary again?

The Democrat debates certainly did heat up recently and tonight’s debate will be interesting.  If you call socialism/communism being in vogue, giveaways, tax the rich (read that middle class), free college, forgiving college loans, giving illegals anything and everything they want, free health care, get rid of ICE, abolish the 2nd Amendment, Green New (Raw) Deal — ain’t it great to be in America!

Did you notice on the stage — not an American flag in sight, and they are the ones wanting to be the leader of the United States of America?  On debate night, you’ll probably see a flag now that it was brought up on Facebook, and most will be wearing a flag pin.  Remember candidate Obama had the same problem — no flags, no flag pin, no patriotism shown.  Then the comments started and the flags and flag pins showed up.  He wasn’t an American in the patriotic sense, and neither are these folks.

The Democrats have a big problem.  They don’t want a non-Democrat to represent them – they hate Bernie.  But he is winning, getting delegates, so why did they allow Bernie into their race?  He is an independent socialist, not a Democrat.  While I don’t see a rat’s rear end between any of them, they are all disgusting in how they view America and the programs they espouse to lay on the masses and have them bow to the socialism they want for the country.

How has the country gone so wrong in understanding the difference between capitalism and socialism/communism?  In the end, socialism/communism always ends up being a dictatorship or a tyrannical form of politburo, much like Russia and China.  What is being taught in public school and colleges?

I know the answer but do you, dear reader?  Do you understand how the leftists have overtaken the educational system from K-12 and most every college?  It comes down to this; do you want control of your future or do you want someone else to control it?  It’s really as easy as that.

The future of the Democrats selecting a candidate will most likely be a brokered convention in Milwaukee.  If that happens, no matter what, Bloomberg will remain in the race no matter his delegate count or his performance in debates.

I see the handwriting on the wall after implicating Hillary Clinton as a possible running mate for Bloomberg.  If there isn’t enough of a push and delegate count for those remaining.  Hillary is salivating, because she knows she has a chance to jump in during a brokered convention and steal the convention attention.  And convince the delegates she can take President Trump on again and win (both popular AND electoral college). At the 11th hour it is Hillary again?

Bernie, get used to it, you are not a Democrat, and they are embarrassed they let you on the debate stage and on primary ballots and in caucuses.  They won’t let you win. You do understand that don’t you?  They cheated you out of it three years ago.

Please smarten up folks.  We in “fly-over” country are hicks, cretins, knuckle-draggers and hillbillies to the elites in the Democrat and Republican establishment parties.  The Democrat party offers you things you know will not happen, even if they are selected as president.  There’s no money to do those pie-in-the-sky ideas they have.  The establishment Republicans hate Trump too, but there’s nothing they can do about it. He’s too popular!

For all the improvements during the three years President Trump has been in office and you don’t support the best president we’ve had in my lifetime, you are either a total Trump Derangement Syndrome robot or a committed socialist/communist and hate your country.  If you fall in the former catagory, you are deranged and sick, please seek medical attention.  If you fall in the latter category, Bernie is the only socialist/communist on the stage. Vote Bernie and feel the bern!

If you don’t , you might have Hillary one more time after Milwaukee.  Mark it down, I said it here, Hillary ain’t dead yet!

The rotting of America continues…


  1. Lynn Mandaville

    An American flag or a flag pin does not a patriot make. Those are merely symbols of what may or may not be in the hearts of men and women.

  2. AuldSchool

    Results of the Flag Pin survey for the South Carolina debate, one thing interesting is ribbons are no longer on display.

    Flag pins:
    VP Biden
    Mayor Bloomberg
    Mr. Steyer

    No pins:
    Senator Klobucher
    Senator Warren
    Mayor Buttigieg

    ? unknown gold colored pin ? Can anyone identify?
    Senator Sanders

  3. Harry Smit

    Ms Mandaville
    Yes the flag is a symbol and the simple answer to the word Patriotism is devotion and vigorous support of one’s country.
    There are other definitions of patriotism such as: when you are proud of your country the American flag is the ultimate symbol of patriotism, so you can salute it whenever you see one.
    One can also show patriotism by doing things like….. voting…campaigning..protesting ( and yes protesting is a form of patriotism) …or celebrating patriotic holidays.
    Yes the Democratic debates are not required to display the American Flag. The question is do these candidates really have pratiosim in their hearts ( since in America the flag is the ultimate symbol of patriotism) ?
    Is not displaying the Flag a form of protest…maybe,
    What is the younger generation taking from the disrespect of the American Flag if one accepts it as the ultimate symbol of patriotism?
    If the American Flag is not the ultimate symbol of patriotism….than what is?
    It is my opinion we ( people today) have lost the meaning of the American Flag and are now willing to treat it as if it were nothing more than a common logo .

  4. Couchman

    Wearing a lapel pin American flag isn’t a litmus test for patriotism regardless of how badly some want it to be true.

    • Harry Smit

      Yes a lapel pin is not a litmus test, but displaying the American Flag is.
      If one doesn’t believe displaying the American Flag is a sign of patriotism….than how do you display your patriotism for your Country?

      • Couchman

        Mr. Smit,
        I served my country in the USN for 4 years of active duty and 2 years in the reserves. You serve as a patriot sans US Flag by being a registered voter and participating in democracy.

        You volunteer at VA facilities and you write letters, email and call our elected officials to make sure they are voting to fund the budget to address the 1000’s of wounded vets who would have died on the battle field or shortly after.

        Because of modern state of the art field hospitals, advances in treatment and the ability to take a military hospital flight from Iraq or Afghanistan to world class treatment at Landstuhl Medical Center in Germany many of those wounded come home and require years of medical treatment that our Congress still isn’t adequately funding.

        I do think it’s amusing to see some of the same evoke who used to go bat crazy when they saw counterculture protestors in the ‘60’s and early 70’s now wear ball caps, tee shirts, golf shirts, jackets and coveralls with patterns of the US flag to show their patriotism.

        Why is it okay to sit down wearing pants fashioned from the American flag but not wearing a lapel pin is significant?

        • Harry Smit

          Yes. all the things you do is patriotic and a wonderful show of patriotism.
          They I believe you do as a form of honoring your Country..which ( if you agree is symbolized by the American Flag) Therefore, why not have the symbol of your Country present as you vie to become it’s President?
          As I also stated today our young people only view the symbol of our Country as a logo.
          This is very sad, so many before us have given their ultimate for this Country ( which is symbolized by it’s flag )
          We Veterans have developed many different attitudes since we have returned home. I myself am very bitter having been spit on when I arrived home, seeing the burning of the flag ( the symbol of the Country I fought for )
          So, yes, the flag is very important to me. No one has to agree with my opinions on the American Flag. But, those who disrespect it will come to know my feelings for honoring it.
          Hence, we will agree to disagree on the importance of the American Flag being displayed at the debates .
          Thank you for your service

  5. wildcat148

    When your candidates include an actual communist and an authoritarian dictator is it really a surprise?

  6. Couchman

    Who is “an actual communist” and who is an “authoritarian dictator”?

    • Wildcat148

      That would be Mr “Soviet Honeymoon, Castro wasn’t that bad” Sanders, and Mayor “No Salt or Soda for You, Three terms for me, but Two for You” Bloomberg.

  7. Couchman

    Senator Sanders said complimentary things about the Cuban. That doesn’t make him “an actual communist”. That means he acknowledged that Cuban public healthcare costs much less than US healthcare. According to The World Health Organization’s 2016 numbers Cuban life expectancy of 76.8 years for males and 81.3 for females. Life expectancy in the US is 76.0 for men and 81 for women and Cuba spends about 90% less per capita than the US. If you aren’t concerned about the rising costs of medical care you are in a pretty good place.

    Mike Bloomberg is a legitimate billionaire and has tax forms to prove it. If those are two up issues that have you up in arms I don’t think you are seeing a bigger picture of what his billions can do and have done elections politicians from both sides of the aisle.

    • wildcat148

      Amazing Cuban healthcare must be why all those people from Florida keep trying to sail there on any random piece of flotsam that will hold their weight. Or do I have that wrong? Or maybe it’s the tens of thousands of cuban people who voluntarily killed themselves that freed up the funding? Or perhaps it was all that private property that got generously “donated” to the state?
      Maybe Mr Sanders spent so much time praising the chandeliers in the Moscow subways that he misinterpreted something. I might be concerned about rising medical costs, but not to the extent of condoning government seizure of personal property, or the jailing or execution of anyone they deem “unnecessary”.
      I’m not sure what Mr Bloomberg’s personal wealth has to do with anything I mentioned, but I’ll humor you. Did he earn his money? Good for him. Does he have more money than God? Good for him. He has every right to make as much money as he possibly can, just like everyone else. But if he is going to spend his money trying to limit the way I live my life, that is what I have issue with.

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