Ranger Rick: How did Obama’s net worth get so huge?

It has been reported that President Obama’s net worth as of when he leaves the White House is $12.2 million. If that is true, he receives $400,000 per year as president. $400,000 x 8 = $3,200,000.

He was senator for about one minute before he started his presidential quest, so he had a few years where he was making, what, $170,000. Of course as senator, he had expenses so all of that money couldn’t be socked away, so let’s be generous again and say he kept $100,000 per year. That brings it up to $4,000,000. So if he invested it and received a return of 8%, after eight years growth would amount to approximately $7,400,000 (straight line growth, no fluctuations (highs or dips)).

So in my simple, country-boy mind and math, I can come up with only $7,400,000 with all things perfect and a growth rate of not just the great average of 7% but upped it to 8% per year.

Where did the other $4,800,000 + come from? Don’t say Michelle, they keep everything separate – she’s reportedly worth $11,800,000. Maybe he got some inside stock tips, after all, he did “save” GM and Chrysler, maybe he bought depressed shares before he gave them the bailout money? Or maybe he received some Solyndra stock and sold before it tanked and went bankrupt. Or maybe he has some Tesla stock and sold it – the feds gave Elon Musk millions to let him play with. He made some money on the side selling books, but he supposedly gave all the money to charities (or did he?). Maybe he bought cattle futures with that outstanding cattle futures buyer Hillary (Cowgirl) Clinton – she made a killing investing in cattle futures earlier in her cow rustling days. Being the smartest woman in the world, he should trust her to help him beat the market. She sure can’t win a race for the presidency, but surely knows cows.

So I ask you Democrats; those clean as a hound’s tooth Democrats, pure as the driven snow Democrats, and wanting the rich to pay their fair share Democrats, where did the money come from, hmm? We’ll wait until Hell freezes over to get an answer.

Why is it every U.S. Representative and Senator, regardless of party affiliation, goes in just an average Joe; lawyer, doctor, farmer, etc. and they all come out multi-multi- millionaires on $174,000 per year? Funny how that works – right? I wish my job had extra payment of graft and corruption, uh, I mean benefits. I surely would be on easy street by now.

Let’s look at Trump – paid his way to finance his run for the presidency, used his plane to fly all over the country and won with everything against him (outspent by Mrs. Clinton, mass media heavily against him, Remocrats against him). He won (get over it already). He earned his money. As he says it, he received a $1 million loan from his father (and paid it back) to develop properties that launched his successful career.

Some people earn it, as most of you readers have and are still striving to do; some people just have the stars align and money seems to fall into their laps – A MIRACLE! It sure helps if you’rein politics. Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money!

President Trump, drain the swamp, get the lobbyists out, cut regulations, cut taxes, cut corporate taxes, repatriate the company money now overseas with low taxes to do so. Get people working again and getting some pride back in our country. Make America Great Again.

You wanted it, we gave it to you – now do what you said you would do. Godspeed and God Bless, you’ll need all the help you can get with the mess that’s been left for you to clean up.


  1. Basura

    Drain the swamp? Rick, have you been paying attention to the nominees? To answer the question, President* Obama wrote two hugely successful books. He’s a literate man – as you should know by now. He’s capable of writing without a ghostwriter. *By the way, ex-presidents keep the honorific in perpetuity.

    • Free Market Man

      Two hugely successful books, about which it was said all profits would be given to charity, from what I recall.
      As for writing without a ghostwriter, his pal Bill Ayers said he wrote it after 3 interview with President Obama in the Oval Office. So who’s lying? Probably both because being agitators they just can’t help themselves. Maybe Ranger Rick would like to comment?
      As for being literate, I don’t believe we have any proof that he is, since he can’t speak without Mr. Teleprompter. Without it, he is a blubbering mess …. Ah, umm, ah, well, I am the smartest guy in the rrr..rr. room! Even in a 3rd grade room he needed it!

  2. Really? You are surprised? All politicians profit from being in office. No one cares about the people that elect them, no one! Wise up people and never elect anyone who is already holding office, no one! Has a politician ever did anything to better your life? If so, tell me. I’d very interested in hearing the story.

  3. Robert M Traxler

    President Obama six months before he departed from office had raised 21 million for his library and foundation. Before he went on the legacy tour went on a long foundation money raising tour. All Presidents do this but come on now, as Senator Bernie Sanders said, how much money do you need?

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