Ranger Rick: I don’t believe Biden is up to the challenge

A year ago, we were ramping up for Christmas, just like usual.  Decorating the house and tree, buying presents and putting them under the tree.  Little did we know the Chinese public was about to undergo a virus that would spread to America and worldwide.

As of this writing, there are more than 63 million (13.6 million in the U.S.) infections of Covid-19 (Communist Chinese Coronavirus CCC)) worldwide. Of that there have been 1.47 million deaths (U.S. deaths ,268,000).

Most of the deaths are from compromised persons suffering from another malady before they contracted the virus.  Age, debilitating diseases such as COPD and asthma, and diabetes and overweight persons are vulnerable. Many contracting the virus liken it to a cold or flu, with fever, congestion, headache, and aching joints are signs the virus may be present.

The bright news is young children and young people of school age seem to be immune or lightly affected by the virus.  With that in mind, why are the schools closed?  I understand virtual learning is going on, but many do not have Internet access.  For those who do, some do well, but many don’t because there are other things to divert attention from virtual schoolwork.  The mental anguish of not seeing and mingling among school friends, and signs of depression are weighing on the young population.  A year of little learning.

Parents are at home, not being productive and earning a living, causing more alcoholism, domestic abuse, increased drug use, and child cruelty.  Suicides among all ages is up and increasing.  More gun violence, especially in the cities, occurs on a daily basis.  Homicides are up.  Violent crime (assaults and rape) are way up.

Yet with all the precautions people take in public (masking and social distancing), the cases continue to rise.  Why?

Yes, we are indoors more, so if the virus is present, it can be contracted and spread.  But those who are healthy seem to stay that way.  And where is the scientific evidence other than anecdotal medical expert synopsis and analysis?  Sorry, I don’t buy it.

For weeks, Dr. Anthony Fauci did not and would not tell people to mask up.  Only when other medical “experts” foisted their opinions upon him did he relent and say mask wearing was needed.   Think about this, medical doctors and nurses are gowned, gloved, masked and visored, but even they get the virus.  Yes, I wear a mask and socially distance, but that is for your protection more than mine, and there is a shaming aspect to it if you don’t wear a mask.

I have yet to find a scientific study specifically about the CCC, the spread of the virus and ironclad techniques on how to prevent it from spreading.  Or do we learn to live with it?

The media is the big hammer in scaring the crap out of everyone about this virus.  They report on it endlessly, hour by hour, how many new infections, how many new deaths, and rarely about how many have recovered.  Compare the CCC to the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, when there were an estimated 675,000 U.S citizens who died (that number is thought by many to be low) and 50 million worldwide.

Not even close in devastation as of yet.  But the virus is still spreading.  How did they stop the Spanish flu?  They placed people outside in fresh air if weather allowed.

Surprisingly, the U.S. has been mostly silent, except for President Trump, who calls the virus the “China virus” (which it is), and the media and the business leaders who have close ties with China’s leaders and their access to cheap labor.  The American people have been sold out by the likes of Silicon Valley companies, auto companies and the like and by political leaders in their rush to please the Chinese leadership to gain inside deals, graft, and corruption.

Our president-elect and his son are prime examples.  But there are other political players in this on both sides of the aisle.  And who suffers? YOU, you the American people!  Lost jobs, lost wages, lost taxes, lost American treasure.

Do you really think this CCC virus was just wafting in the air from a “wet” market in Wuhan and it was just a fluke it spread?  Or was this a manufactured virus unleashed at the time when it would decimate the world and target the U.S. during a political year?  Think about it.  Who has the most to gain from this virus?  China hates the Trump administration and their tariffs on Chinese goods to level the trading field.

They loved President Barack Obama because he was weak and couldn’t care less about how many jobs were shipped overseas.  They wanted another Obama and they got it in Joe Biden, an unaccomplished statesman in every respect — 47 years of zero accomplishments other than getting enough votes to remain in the U.S. Senate from Delaware and holding onto Obama’s coattails to the vice presidency.  He is a primo gaff machine, is mentally diminished and sickly (he just injured himself, cracked ankle bone and sprain).

He certainly should be tested for cognitive abilities and given a physical to determine if he is medically and mentally able to carry out his strenuous mental and physically demanding job of being president. This will be a year of challenges from outside forces testing the steadfastness of Joe Biden or lack thereof, and I’m worried he will not be up to it.  He has acquiesced before and I see no reason he won’t again.

He is a bowing bootlicker, just like Obama!  Weak in all ways.

God, please help us.

The rotting of America from within continues…


  1. WAGS


  2. A reader

    Are you a functional human?

  3. Harry Smit

    Ranger Rick
    Although I do think you may be correct. I am not so quick to form a definite opinion just yet. I am curious to understand the tremendous support of those wanting to be led by Biden / Harris. Was it truly the will of the majority or possibly influences of other countries?
    Those not voting for Biden/ Harris must not turn into the “hate mongers” we have seen the previous four years.
    The people of the United States have proven they do not want a leader who isn’t a politician. A brash, cold hearted business man just was to much for them to handle.
    Yes, it looks like much of what was accomplished in the last four years will be abolished. If that’s what the majority wants so be it. It just might be the time to set back and see what transpires. Yes, it could be the downfall of our Country…..but many times it takes some hard lessons before people realize the error of their ways.
    It’s very possible the education of American citizens is about to began.

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