Ranger Rick: Biden quickly begins to crash and burn

Well, it’s been a week, and dementia President Joe Biden has taken a number of steps to stop liberty and freedom in America.

And you notice anything else?  Yup, other states have said they will now open up because the numbers of Covid patients have gone down?  But wait, the news reports are saying there is a new mutation of the virus that will not, or maybe will, or we don’t know if the present vaccines will work against??

WTH?  I said once Joe was inaugurated, the Covid virus would disappear.  He’s trying, but the damn virus won’t cooperate.  Maybe he can activate the Guard and Reserves to help?

I doubt the Reserves would like to help, knowing the way the Guard troops have been treated – sleeping in parking garages on the cold floor while standing guard in Washington D.C.  The Guard troops were activated to protect the inauguration from rioters.  Evidently the Capitol police can’t guard the House and Senate, but of course they’ve probably had their budget cut, so overtime and new hires are forbidden.

The mayor was asked if she needed more support a few weeks before, but Mayor Bowser (aptly named) said the Capitol Police would be enough.  Rut Row!  But don’t worry, they won’t fire the mayor, even though she should be gone.

He just couldn’t help himself, he had to stop the Keystone pipeline to calm the green weenies in the House.  Of course, it would have carried crude oil, making fuel less expensive because of supply.  But old sleepy Joe couldn’t let a crisis go to waste… we need higher gas and oil prices.  The prices at the pump were around $2.09 to $2.19, but have been moving up.

They are raising prices to help pay for the new shipments coming in at higher prices.  Not only will you be paying higher gas prices for vehicles and heating, but your consumer goods will rise because of higher fuel prices. We’ll be buying oil from the Middle East and enemies. Democrats never factor that in when they start slashing orange man’s great initiatives.

Now dementia Joe has pissed off our neighbor to the Great White North.  The Canadian government is screaming bloody murder because shutting down the pipeline is killing jobs.  Not only are American union workers losing their jobs but so are the Canadian workers.

As the Blimpie sub shops commercial stated, “It’s a beautiful thing.” Unless you are a worker on the Keystone Pipeline.  And unions supporting the Biden presidency – I hear “Preparation H” is on sale!  You might want to get you some.

Old Joe signed an executive order to release everyone in holding cells and deportations back to their home countries.  You can expect a rise in crime soon and don’t call the cops, they have or will be defunded.

The horde coming through Guatemala into Mexico on their way to our southern border will not be stopped.  Joe needs their votes and you need to give up your jobs or your kid’s future jobs and at lower wages, since there will be plenty of people to take what few jobs will be left.  He is welcoming them with open arms, because he is giving them a path to citizenship.

You suckers trying to come to America for opportunity the right way, waiting and going through the process, how do you feel now?

He signed another order requiring mask wearing on federal property.  Then not long after signing, he posed with the family on federal property for a photo-op…. without a mask on any of them!  I don’t blame Joe, he is mentally incapable and a dementia riddled, so I lay it upon Dr. Jane to keep him and the family in line for mask wearing on federal property.  Keep your damn masks on!

There’s so much Sleepy Joe has done via executive orders, I have to catch my breath.  So I will cease and let old Joe get back to the important job of impeachment of a former president.

The orange man is gone, but they want to keep him in the news.  Folks, you wanted him gone, and Joe in.  You got him – Dementia Joe.  What a disaster for this country, as the Democrats couldn’t run a hot dog stand!

The rotting of America from within continues….. in earnest!


  1. wildcat148

    Isn’t it ironic how on the very day Biden was sworn in, the standards of what constitutes a positive corona case were reduced, which means there will be fewer cases reported?

  2. dennis longstreet

    President Biden’s approval rating higher in one week in office than Trump’s all four years in office. Must tell you something. Orange man will not be gone till President Biden can fix everything He f’d up. Not enough ink to mention all of them.

    • Don't Tread On Me

      Mr. Longstreet, when will you admit the Democrat Party left you and most of working people years ago. They are not the party of the working men and women of this country, they cater to special interests, enemies of the state, and everybody but American citizens. Listen closely and you will realize they don’t give a damn about you or us.
      Wake up!

    • CrazyCool608

      Name 10 things…
      Or are you doing nothing but sitting watching network news, listening to their side of things, instead of talking to the many people who actually benefited from Trump?
      Your comments have been junk.

      • dennis longstreet

        Another one hiding under mommy’s apron. Your comments mean nothing to me. Crazy, your new name tells it all. The only ones who benefitted from Trump were felons and liars. Real cool.

    • Don't Tread On Me

      Mr. Longstreet,
      Since dementia Joe has the media in his back pocket, of course he would have high ratings. President Trump did more for this country than Joe will ever do.
      Joe already screwed union workers by shutting down the pipeline. He lets guys play against women in sports. He opens the borders. Sure looks like a great start to me – NOT!

      • dennis longstreet

        Must be orange man did not do much for the 81 million who live in this country that did not vote for him. The media bullshit again. Guys against women, where the hell is that. Borders open who told you that? Hannity?

        • Don't Tread On Me

          Do you watch the news? Can’t you read? Evidently not. Well it is understandable, being a Democrat.

          • Editor

            Your mother was a hamster, and your father smells of eldeberries.

  3. Robert M Traxler

    President Biden 17 to date, President Trump 5 total Presidential orders, President Obama 6 or 7 total. We can understand a few COVID-19 orders but come on man, 17 in a few weeks?

    • Mike

      Perhaps I’m misunderstanding, is there a difference between “presidential orders” and “executive orders”?

      In terms of executive orders, Obama signed 276 total (147 his first term and 129 his second term) and Trump signed 220 total (in one term). Here is my source for that: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/executive-orders

      Either way, Joe will make quick work of undoing all of Trump’s great accomplishments for the great people of America. Less the many federal judges he’s appointed, thank goodness!

  4. Don't Tread On Me

    Joe has no idea what he is signing. They tell him to sign, he hovers over the document looking like he’s reading it, then gives a shrug of the shoulders and signs.
    What a joke!
    He is diminishing every day. He is an old sick man, and needs help. But the Democrat Party is riding this mule to the end, whipping and whacking him verbally every day.

  5. Jon Clausen

    Nice to see these “Americans” giving our President a chance. Not even a week in office, and you are finding things to try to tear him down. Nice try, but after what we went through the past four years, Joe Biden is and will be far and above better for our country than that buffoon we had.
    I could mention the fact that the former “president” didn’t even try to quell this virus, not even back up or enough supply of vaccines! Pfizer offered the former administration the option to buy 600 million more doses, but no, he chose not to and here we are, short of vaccines! What a mess our President has to clean up!

    • Don't Tread On Me

      Nice try Clausen, but President Trump did more positive things for this country in 4 years than Bush or Obama did in 16. Now we have dementia Joe and Marxist Kamala putting people out of work because of the pipeline being canceled (high paying union jobs), making us dependent again on foreign oil.
      Higher taxes and more regulation, stifling freedom and liberty. You wanted Joe, you might be singing a different tune in a few years when we are all miserable. Obama II under way — no jobs, no opportunity, just pay more to the government.

      • Jake Gless

        I think it would be really good for all those petrol folks to get in touch with the horse-and-buggy folks and find out how they transitioned after society moved on from their antiquated industry.

        • Don't Tread On Me

          Jakie, I’m sure you like to drive to work instead of walking or riding your Big Wheel. And you probably like a warm house.
          That comes from energy. Oil and gas energy. Even if you drive a wuss Prius, you still need to charge it up using energy from a gas, hydroelectric, or atomic powered turbine for power. Yeah, that antiquated energy source is not needed anymore by you futurists. Try living in Michigan without it!

          • Editor

            I drove a “Wuss Prius” for 13 years until a runaway deer killed it. Best car I ever had. You don’t have to charge a Prius, it runs on a hybrid system.

          • Don't Tread On Me

            Mr Publisher (Dave),
            I’m so glad you agree with me. A wuss Prius is a hybrid, meaning it can’t do a thing without fossil fuel to charge the battery. So instead of one power source, it uses two.
            It is a wonderful idea. I would buy one if it would pull large boat! They are not the most masculine looking machine on the road. Evidently, that is not high on your list on how or what you buy. So you’re driving a Buick now?

  6. dennis longstreet

    President Biden is not golfing today, just working hard to get the vaccines in arms. Say that as soon as
    I woke up this morning. Keep up the good work, Mr. President!

  7. dennis longstreet

    President Biden will hold briefings on Covid-19 with scientist and experts. No, not the pillow guy, but people who know what is going on. President Biden will not use his special marker to make his own graph. Maybe people will listen when they know they are not being lied to.

    • John Wilkens

      Are you indicating that President Biden knows what is going on? You might want to grab another beer!


      • dennis longstreet

        I think he knows more than Trumpy (alias Mr. Clean with bleach). I think you need a box of beer.

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