Ranger Rick: The long farewell of ex-President Obama

Ex-President Obama (I love that title) gave his farewell address to the public in Chicago on the night of Jan. 10. It was to begin that night, but some folks in West Michigan lost power during that time – lucky for them not to hear the me, myself, and I spew forth from the ex-president’s mouth. All the accomplishments (yawn), all the advancements (what?), all Ex-President Everything that he says he did and is. Really, did you expect anything different?

Ex-President Barack Hussein Obama is a far cry from a real president. A president respects the people he represents, respects the wisdom of the electorate, elevates America and the American people with words AND deeds to protect and help them advance economically, better their lives, and ensure a future for the next generation(s). That was a real president – President Reagan and President Kennedy.

Ex-President Obama is a petulant child, narcissistic in mood and spoken word, a spoiled brat if he doesn’t get his way, attacking his detractors. His ideas and actions never advanced this country. Think about one positive thing he has accomplished, other than order the killing of Bin Laden?

Health care – a crumbling mess with Obamacare. The only people who like it are those who never had insurance because they couldn’t afford it or they had pre-existing conditions and couldn’t get it. Everyone else on it saw their premiums skyrocket or they were dropped. Instead of savings realized, as promised, premiums were high and going higher each year. Deductibles are so high, using the insurance is only for catastrophic illness or results of tragic accidents. Remember if you like your plan you can keep it and if you like your doctor you can keep him or her? Everyone was going to see their premiums go down an average of $2500 per year. Your plan is up in smoke, you no longer have a doctor of your choice or your premiums are going up, up, up or a combination of one, two or all three scenarios. Also, many businesses, especially in the low wage, low skills cut hours of their full-time people because of the rules for coverage. One day, full-time job, next day part-time. Mr. Ex-President, thanks, it really is a beautiful thing and working so well! I guess you really wanted more welfare.

Race relations are the worst in years. Every time an incident arose, it was always law enforcement at fault. Ex-President Obama would comment about police acting “stupidly” or jumping to conclusions, while he didn’t have all the facts before commenting. More killings, especially in the president’s adopted hometown of Chicago – nearly 4,000 dead since he became president. How can that happen if there are “no firearms allowed” statutes in Chicago? Can’t people read? Oh, that’s right, they don’t care about laws, or due to their poor schools, maybe they can’t read? I hope Chicago is proud of the title “Murder Capital” of the U.S. – Detroit; you’re off the hook for some time now as number one. Of course “tiny dancer,” Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, blames outside forces and not the people perpetrating the crimes. Hey Rahm, how about helping the law-abiding citizen legally arm themselves against gangs and home invasion?

The Ex-President says he’s going to relax… what’s that? How much more can a guy relax than 300 rounds of golf in eight years (that’s 38 rounds per year) as president? I thought the presidential office was hard work. I like to play a round of golf too but in eight years of regularly playing, I get in around 20-25 rounds per year (on a good year – I have a job to do). Mr. Ex-President, you’ve had more than your share of golfing while in office. Of course, as a private citizen, please play every day and enjoy yourself, you’ve really earned it with all your “hard work” for the American people. You wasted eight years of hope and possible progress and instead mired the United States into no growth, racism fomenting, and hatred for this country from outside and inside. Your lack of effort was justly rewarded.

You remember the American people, don’t you? More people on welfare than ever, more people of eligible age not working, fewer people owning their own homes than ever, more debt than all the presidents combined before you compiled in eight years, less growth in the GDP than any president in modern times – yup, you really had the nose to the grindstone, shoulder to the wheel, pushing America and Americans forward!

There’s a new president in town now, and he owns golf courses, but I bet he won’t play 300 rounds in eight years — he’ll be too busy doing his job. More jobs already promised since his election. A far cry from Ex-President Obama lamenting he couldn’t do anything about the loss of jobs. Trump wasn’t even president yet and he saved more jobs in two months than Obama ever did. The growth of the stock market was due to optimism with Trump outspoken policies and programs. Ex-President Obama can take credit for it, and he will, even though he and the American people know he didn’t do a damn thing to make it happen.

Mr. Ex-President, thanks for nothing. Have a happy retirement, and please, please stay away from politics, you’re not good at it except for being an excellent teleprompter reader. I give credit where it is due, and you are the best.

As you’ve said before “…. just words… just speeches” – we don’t need more speeches and hot air, we need a performer.  A performer, a doer, a “get it done” personality like President Donald J. Trump.

Hopefully, it’s not too late to save the country from the mess you’ve helped get us into. President Trump, the stage is yours. I’m sure you’ll get to work for the American people.

The healing of America is just starting.


1 Comment

  1. I am an angry white guy who voted Trump. Most of my reasons are in this piece. I support the travel ban as well. It is for the safety of the American people!

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