Rep. Upton seeks federal help after cutting federal program

Rep. Upton seeks federal help after cutting federal program

To the editor:

Congressman Fred Upton calls for federal help: “We must act now to stop Asian Carp… Asian Carp have been discovered beyond the electric barrier and only nine miles from Lake Michigan, I have implored President Trump to release the Brandon Road Study and take immediate action to stop this potential disaster.”

Typical of Republicans, Upton, who voted to cut government (the EPA) to make it ineffective, then wonders why it doesn’t solve his own problem. Thinking that a New York builder, with 10 out of 12 failing environment standards, would care about Michigan fish, is a real pipe dream.

Forget federal help. Can the Great Lakes states cooperate to fight the carp?

Lee Greenawalt, Merced, Calif.


  1. Uptonis a joke. Get ready Michigan, the carp will win. What he doing to do Freddy? Nothing….

  2. Basura

    Upton’s hypocrisy seems typical for the GOP. Remember Michele Bachman? She railed against government handouts, and taking big gov’t money for fallow fields on a farm that wasn’t farmed.

    Does Fred care about the environment – or does he not care? It’s kind of hard to tell.

  3. Life time politician. Can’t seem to get anything done. Why is this joke in office? People, just keep voting this useless person in office…..

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