Saugatuck earned revenge on Martin Friday night, 46-37, after suffering its only defeat of the season last month.

Meanwhile, the Martin boys’ basketball team’s season winless streak reached 17 games Friday night with a 62-35 defeat at the hands of Saugatuck.

“Tonight was a battle for sole possession of first place in the SAC Central,” noted girls’ coach Ben Schipper. “We controlled our destiny until we lost to Gobles last Friday. Both teams wanted this game badly tonight and it was a tough fight we both expected.

“We were very proud of our girls’ effort tonight. We never quit and battled Saugatuck all night long, getting within eight points in the fourth quarter after being down 15 points at both the half and end of the third.” 

Indeed, the Lady Clippers fell behind badly in the early going.

“We really struggled in the first quarter,” Schipper said. “I think we came out a little tight and didn’t play with the aggression we wanted to. We had wide open looks our first several possessions, but couldn’t convert anything, even layups. 

“Defensively we were incredible for the first 12 minutes of the game, but then Saugatuck hit three threes in the second quarter when we weren’t able to contest quite like we wanted and that really opened the game up.”

But Schipper insisted the threes weren’t the daggers. It was the points off offensive rebounds and steals from the Trailblazers’ press.

“It takes the wind out of your sails when you execute your defensive game plan so well and then shoot yourself in the foot with turnovers and having their offense out effort us on the boards. 

“Regardless, the girls never quit fighting. We got a few fast break runouts from Makala Goddard to Torryn Harris, our shooting came more alive in the second half, and we forced Saugatuck into some turnovers and rushed possessions when we threw our press on in the fourth.

Goddard finished the evening with 11 points and Harris added 10.

“Saugatuck is a great team with really talented players,” Schipper said. “It’s always such a fun chess match with Coach Tringali and I greatly respect him. Our preparation always has to be flawless when facing his teams as they execute their sets so well and you never know which of his five defenses or two presses he’ll throw at you. Facing him always makes me a better coach and I appreciate the competition our teams give each other.”

The Clippers now are 11-4 overall and Saugatuck is 15-1.

COVER PHOTO: Martin’s Winter Homecoming Court (from left Anderson Keeler (Duke), Nele Schneider (Queen), Logan Kent (King), Shane Holden (Prince) and Keri Cornstubble (Princess). (Not pictured) Bella Clark (Duchess).

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