Three teens apprehended for graffiti in alley mural

Word on the street is that three teen-age ruffians were apprehended earlier this month in connection with vandalising the multi-colored mural in the alley behind the Wayland Hotel between Pine and and West Superior Streets. It was reported that a member of the Baugh family from Baugh’s Shoe Repair caught the lads in the act and shepherded them across the street to the Wayland Police Station on West Superior. The teens had been seen publicly in recent times displaying support for former President Donald Trump and some of the graffiti demonstrated it again. Some of the messages were considered vulgar and since have been removed from the mural.


  1. Scott Calkins

    Please tell me it was the old man who caught them. Could you imagine him having a couple of them by the ear and marching them over to the police station?

    • Dennis Longstreet

      His name is not old man his name to you should be Mr Baugh! Have a little RESPECT!!

      • Scott Calkins

        I have a bunch of respect for him. I wasn’t absolutly sure his name is Baugh. My appologies to him and for bothering the self righteous. I hope someday I make it long enough for people to call me the old man. Few more years yet maybe.

  2. Iam estimating they are just local farm boys looking for mischief.

  3. Typical….. Hey they were just turning their lives around….. Sickening damn punks get a job….. However, we owe them

    • John Wilkens




  4. Jenny

    Hopefully they are going to be compensating the city for the cost of materials and labor for their actions.

  5. Julie Spencer

    Could the person who wrote this article explain why, if you are an unbiased reporter, how Donald Trump has anything to do with vandalism in the giant metropolis like Wayland? The Wayland Hotel sells the best burgers ever, but you my friend while reporting the news made a fool of yourself. Keep the news clean and unbiased!! I try to post but it says I already posted. Another lie

    • Buzz

      Those burgers used to be pretty darned good. I gotta say though that they’ve kind of fallen away from their past luster. Kind of just dull old grey hunks of meat in a way-to-fancy bun. Not like I remember say in 2016-18 for example. Same with the fries, just not that notable anymore. Hmm kind of like the reporter I suppose.

  6. PQ

    Dear Julie, below I copied the quote directly from the article above. I saw the graffiti myself and yes, they wrote the former “presidents” name on the mural. If you cannot understand why the author of this article inserted this comment into the article then I suggest you read it again or maybe do some fact checking on your own.

    “The teens had been seen publicly in recent times displaying support for former President Donald Trump and some of the graffiti demonstrated it again.”

    • Unfortunately like buzz and Ms Spencer, this is like when the adults speak in the Charlie Brown cartoons wa, wa, wa, now it’s turning into reading. Sad!

  7. Basura

    Julie Spencer – to report that the boys were wearing Trump hats was merely reporting. Part of the criminal activity – MDOP – was applying Trump graffiti to the mural. Again, it was mere reporting.

    Besides promotion of the disgraced ex-president, a vulgarity to many, apparently there was additional vulgarity as part of the vandals.

    This was well and properly reported. My comments, on the other hand, reveal definite bias. See the difference?

  8. A Reader

    Looks like your tRUMP is showing Julie!

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