Wayland High School graduates Bella Harnish Fitzgerald (kneeling, left) and Kadence Bottrall (kneeling center) are members of the Davenport University bowling team that intends to compete in two tournaments at Las Vegas in December.
“So far this year we have bowled two tournaments, placing eighth at both of them and are on our way to place high the rest of the season,” Fitzgerald said on Facebook.
“As you can imagine, it is expensive to fly 40 athletes out to play so we are holding a Strike-a-thon to raise money for ticket costs and equipment we will need to succeed!”
The Panthers last year were able to place high and make it into match play in both tournaments. The Strike-a-thon will take place Thursday, Oct.17, and the team will be bowling for three hours. The goal is $600 each participant.
Donations can be made as a flat donation or per strike, with the limit being $100. Donors can limit the number of strikes they pay for.
“For example if I bowl 80 strikes and you only want to pay $2 for 30 strikes, then you will only pay $60,” Fitzgerald said
There is a link to donate online.
“If you choose the donate that way, please write my name in the comments section so they can mark it down as a donation for me,” Fitzgerald said. “All of the donations are due Nov. 7.”