The Hopkins boys’ and girls’ bowling team continued their unbeaten dual match streaks Monday at Brewhouse Lanes in Dorr by getting past O-K Silver Conference rival Belding.

The boys won 23-7 after a slow start and the girls breezed to a 27-3 triumph.

The boys lost 154-150 in their first Baker game, but came back to win the second 235-151. High individual scores included Connor Brookhouse, who had 204 and 229; Josh Glascott, 213 and 200; Jonathon Ryan 210 and 233, and Brenden Gossman 212 and 201.

Noah Young also contributed to the win. If not for an untimely split in the first game he would’ve been in the 200s as well.

The girls won their match 27-3 starting with winning both Baker games. High scores for the girls were both from Hannah Wubben with 166 in the first game and 181 in the second.

Both teams compete in Dorr again Wednesday against Godwin at 3:30 pm.

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