Wikileaks has proven the Dems-media conspiracy

Wikileaks has proven the Dems-media conspiracy

Army Bob Salutesby Robert M. Traxler

Did the Russian Federation take a page from President Obama’s administration’s play book when it reportedly hacked into the Democratic National Committee’s email?

The American Department of State under Hillary Clinton advised and funded anti-Putin political efforts in the 2011 Russian Federation elections. Reports of this action were all over the European press, but few and far between in the American media; I could only find a few dozen credible reports.

The Russian Federation also believes Secretary Clinton’s State Department funded anti-Russian political parties in the Ukraine. The elections resulted in the government of the Ukraine reneging on long standing treaties with the Russians, the very treaties that allowed the use of Black Sea all weather deep water ports vital to the Russians’ defensive strategy. Loss of the Crimean Peninsula’s ports resulted in the inevitable Russian invasion and the loss of Crimea to the Ukraine.

The American government and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) under President Obama and Secretary Clinton also had no problem in spending millions to help defeat the sitting president of the only true democracy in the Middle East, Israel. President Obama also had no problem in intervening in the British elections concerning Brexit, even threatening the Brits with direct economic consequences if they rejected the movement toward one world government.

To say that the Russian government was livid over American interference in their electoral process in 2011 is an understatement. The American media, proven to be a partisan arm of the Democratic party, was exposed in the DNC emails and we now have proof positive that the media is a propaganda arm of the liberal movement. Whether the “leak” came from a DNC insider as Julian Assange maintains or from the Russians is questionable. The coverage has been wall to wall about the Russians interfering in our electoral process, and not the dishonesty of the mainstream media or the corruption in our government. The media is once again controlling the message for the DNC and President Obama.

The scandals uncovered in the e-mails have been replaced by a well-planned andBob Traxler_0 directed outrage at the Russians. The bait and switch efforts by the media have been well planned and directed. That statement would have been impossible to make pre-hack, but the DNC emails should forever destroy the credibility of the media.

Assange was the hero of the left before he pulled the ugly scab off the establishment media’s involvement with the government.

Just why do the elite in the media, political and corporate classes (corporations gave nearly a billion dollars to the Clinton campaign effort) detest President-elect Trump? It is easy to understand: he is a direct threat to the status quo, one that has made them all, if not rich, certainty comfortable and powerful. Drain the swamp is meant to reform Washington, a location that was an actual swamp (or need we say wetlands) by the way.

The fact that more than a dozen intelligence agencies all agree 100% on the WikiLeaks origin would be questioned by the media if they were not in bed with the current administration. We as a nation are being spun, a polite word for lied to, by the media/government alliance. Common sense is not so common in the partisan media; when was the last time you ever found 16 people who agree 100% about anything?

The media will love the government up to and including Jan. 20; then they will return to questioning the government’s every move. The media has been proven in the WikiLeaks documents to be directed by the DNC and solidly in the hallelujah corner of the divine church of the political establishment.

Stand by for the saturation bombing of every minute decision President-elect Trump makes. Stand by for the disdain and dishonesty WikiLeaks proved beyond a reasonable doubt exists in the fourth estate toward anyone not an approved member of the media/political class. The establishment has too much to lose to allow Mr. Trump to succeed.


  1. Bob Moras

    One of the best items you have written to date. I remember the days when Americans hooted about the poor Russian citizenry and the propaganda they were fed as news. It was a rude awakening for me the day I discovered a short wave band on an old radio from the 40’s. I began to listen to English Broadcast News from other countries of Europe and South America. Believe me, It had a way different slant compared to the same news we were reported in America. It was my first realization that perhaps we were being fed a more favorable view of what the United States was doing around the world. And I suggest, if anyone could lay hands on one, you might still find it interesting to listen to foreign news broadcasts.
    Well written and insightful. Thanks.

    • Robert M Traxler

      Mr. Moras,
      Thanks for the kind words, the internet gives us the ability to view different news from a number of outlets.
      Thanks again.

  2. Free Market Man

    Excellent analysis and conclusions. Your comments about Assange were spot on – liberal darling until he told the truth about the Hillary email hacking – then he was attacking their candidate.

    You notice they were decrying the Trump position of possibly not accepting the results of the election, then when they lost (biggest upset in American election history), then the Democrats cry foul? Can’t you accept your candidate lost? Get over it, we had to endure Obama for 8 terrible years

    It is satisfying to watch the media tie itself up in knots and the Democrat Party evolve into oblivion. Democrats, wake up, your “leaders” are leading you towards Marxism and anarchy. If you were smart (oxymoronic statement since you’re Democrats), you would denounce the party and become independent thinkers again. WAKE UP!

    • Robert M Traxler

      Mr.Free Market Man,
      Thanks for the comments. You as always are correct it will be fun to watch the media becoming even more unhinged as President Trump starts to unwind the government.
      Thanks again.

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