Some of our top Wayland bowlers in the match against Zeeland. From left: Sydney Urben, Marissa BruinsSlot, Amber Beggs, Jordan Peters and Dillon Smith.

The Wayland boys’ bowling team captured its first dual match victory of the season in style with a 25-5 verdict over Zeeland.

Meanwhile, the Lady Wildcats avenged a loss to Zeeland from a year ago by taking a 17-13 decision.

“After Saturday’s great performance, I thought we had a chance against Zeeland (we haven’t beaten them since I have been coaching — even the year Cameron Heintzelman had his 300 game!),” coach Sherry Miklusicak said. “Well it was our turn this year, even with a shaky start.”

The Wildcats fell behind with the first Baker game loss of 169-153. Baker game two was in favor of Wayland 219-177. We had enough pins to get the total as well they were up 6-4.

In the first round of individuals, Alex Marble rolled a 177, Jordan Peters148, Bryan Franck 209, Dylan Roberts 155, Dillon Smith 224 and took every point this match going up 15-4 needed one more point for the win.

In game two Alex Marble had a 185, Jordan Peters 252 (“I almost took him out of the game to let someone else bowl! He had the first seven strikes”), Bryan Franck 181, Dylan Roberts 215, and Dillon Smith 200. Wayland took all but one point in this match.

“I believe we set a school record for a two-game series of 1946,” the coach said. “I also have to check the high game of 1033.

“I am still so excited for the boys that I cannot think normally as my mind is spinning in a million directions.”

The girls rolled well, Amber Beggs had a 255, as the Lady Wildcats were defeated by Zeeland last year.

Senior co-captain Marissa BruinsSlot said the win over Zeeland was particularly satisfying.

The Lady Wildcats were rusty in the early going, losing both Bakers and
with scores of 149 and 134 and they were down 10-0.

Individuals proved to be quite the game changer with scores from
junior Amber Beggs who won both of her points and bowling the highest today with 179+255=434. Senior Sydney Urben also won both of her points with 213+192=405. Bruinsslot snagged one of her points with 172+198=370. Senior Jessica Henderson fought for one point with 117+184=301. 
Senior Makayla Konecny who gained one point with 127+127=254.

Because the Wildcats brought themselves together, taking 17 of the 20 possible points in individuals.

“We bowled probably one of our first 900 games this season,” BruinsSlot. “We have shown so much improvement as a team, that it’s almost surreal to think that just a few weeks ago we were bowling in the Wyoming Tournament and placing low.”

COVER PHOTO: Wildcat High Rollers Amber Beggs and Jordan Peters. (Photo courtesy Terry Ellis)

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