Wayland ladies finished second and the boys third in the O-K Gold Conference bowling standings.
The teams both finished third in the conference bowling tournament Friday at Spectrum Lanes.
Both teams had players make the top 10 for the competition and then for all-conference accolades, including Haven, Baker, Izzy Botwinski and Brooke Trumbull, and Kyle Van Ess, Dominik Baker, Louie Harnish and Wil Dewing.
Junior Haven Baker took first place on the all-tournament team. Senior Izzy Botwinski and new-comer Brooke Trumbull made the top ten as well.
Cedar Springs won the boys’ league title.
“I did put Cedar’s coach on notice that we would be after them next year,” said boys’ coach Sherry Miklusicak. “His reply was we were after them this year.

“Our boys bowled decent and even spectacular when we bowled on the same pair as Cedar Springs.”
Wayland beat Cedar by more than 100 pins for that game, but the final overall scores told another story. The Wildcats rolled games of 822, 785, 911 and Baker games of 146, 192, 136, 159.
Louie Harnish led the team with a 180, 213, 196 = 589 and Kyle VanEss 197, 171, 188 = 556.
Our weakest area was yet again single pin spares. “This past week we worked hard on our targeting so this week will be spare shooting!”
On the all-conference list:
• #2 Junior – Kyle VanEss averaging 194.63.
• #6 Freshman – Louie Harnish averaging 177.65.
• #9 Junior – Dominik Baker averaging 172.44.
• Honorable Mention: #15 Junior – Wil Dewing averaging 166.38.
Junior Jayse Henkel finished #18 with an average of 162.96.
We finished 2nd in the conference, but 3rd in the tournament….