“Redemption is super sweet!” exclaimed Wayland boys’ varsity bowling coach Sherry Miklusicak Monday after her group defeated Wyoming 21-9 in an O-K Gold/Green Conference dual match.

“For the second time (almost third) this season, the Wayland boys’ bowling team has come back in the second half of the season to out roll teams that they had previously been beaten by,” she explained.

Wayland won it after a slow start. The Wolves strung the first six or seven strikes in the first Baker game.

“At this point, I was really hoping Wyoming would throw a 300 game, as I didn’t want to get beat any way else,” the coach quipped.

The Wildcats struggled in a 239-157 defeat in that opening Baker and were down 4-0 “and we weren’t likely to take the Baker total either. But I have said this before — these guys don’t give up. Digging deep, we found ourselves starting with a commanding three strikes (in the second Baker) and finished winning 198-141.

Then came the individual games, ands the Wayland scores were as follows:

• Jordan Peters 192 – 154

• Christian Courser 213 – 180

• Bryan Franck 187 – 157

• Dylan Roberts 166 – 161

• Dillon Smith 212 – 146.

Wayland took eight out of nine points in the first match and forged ahead  by a score of 12-7.

“This was a pretty similar setting against South Christian last week when they came back with a league leading set of scores,” Miklusicak said. “Boy, we didn’t want that to happen again. Both teams struggled with scores in the second match.”

She said this game was actually much closer, even though the ‘Cats took seven out of the nine points. One of their points was won by six pins, another by two pins, and total was just a two-pin win.

“This just emphasizes the importance of every pin – especially on splits!” Miklusicak said. “It was a super win even without one of our starters. Christian Courser was the high roller out of both boys teams this evening!”

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