Yard signs identify non-partisan political leanings

ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor.

Signs in the same yard in the City of Wayland

“Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Barking at the scenery, breaking my mind…” — The Five-Man Electrical Band, 1971

It wasn’t long ago that I asserted correctly that in this area’s one-party system, the only contests for us to choose a candidate are those advertised as non-partisan.

Indeed, in all township board “races” in the general election, all the voters will see are Republicans unopposed. It’s a lot like voting in the old Soviet Union, where the unwashed masses could vote for the communist or for nobody.

But there is a way for voters to get a good look at partisanship in the contests deemed to be non-partisan. It’s all about signs, as in the ones residents place in their yards for passersby to see. These signs provide a peek into the political leanings of those deemed non-partisan folks on the ballot.

Perhaps the most visible example is in the contest for 48th Circuit Judge in Allegan County between Elizabeth Peterson and Emily Jipp. Both are listed on the ballot as non-partisan, but signs may be telling us differently.

Emily Jipp
Elizabeth Peterson

I hear tell on good authority that Peterson and her handlers are taking great pains to suggest Jipp is a Democrat. So that is the biggest difference between the two? That’s a game breaker?

“Vote for me — I’m not a Democrat.”

Peterson has make it clear she is Pro-Life. Jipp, to my knowledge, has not declared her stand on abortion.

Whenever I see yard signs supporting Elissa Slotkin, Kamala Harris/Tim Walz, Kyra Bolden/Amy Thomas and Erin Stepek, I also see in the same yard a sign for Emily Jipp.

Conversely, when I see signs for Donald Trump/JD Vance, Mike Rogers, Rachelle Smit and their ilk, I also see same for Peterson and other “non-partisans” for school board, such as former State Rep. Steve Johnson and Stephanie Tromp.

I need to make it clear that I actually have seen signs for Jipp and Trump in the same yard, but there aren’t many instances.

My point here is that signs may be the only way you can tell the difference between non-partisan candidates.

Both Peterson and Jipp have impressed me as being well qualified to do their jobs, if elected. But apparently that doesn’t matter.

If Jipp loses this race, it will be because her opponent has successfully convinced voters she is not a Republican.

The one-party system seems to have prevailed yet again.


  1. Xjs

    I’ve seen several of the nonpartisan signs for Stepek and Taylor with both sides of the presidential ticket.

    The only thing a sign in the yard says is they like signs.

  2. Erin Stepek

    I am proud that community members can see sign supporting my candidacy in the same yards as Trump sign AND and Harris signs and in yards with no signs and in yards with city Council member signs and judgeship signs. I’m a firm believer that school board elections should stay nonpartisan- focused on candidates qualifications, knowledge of the issues in the district, and goals to strengthen and improve teaching and learning. I have enjoyed positive collaborative relationships with district leaders whose political leanings May very well be different than my personal viewpoints, but when we are all working together for the betterment of the district, it is of no regard. I encourage your readership to vote for non-partisan candidates based on their qualifications, and not based on who else’s signs might be placed next to theirs.

    • wildcat148

      Boo hoo, the electoral demographic isn’t to your liking. Go live in Detroit then, and you can see the other side.

  3. Walt Tarrow

    Clever, David, clever. But if yards are bi-partisan and you wish to remain partisan, you can always venture onto the Interweb and visit michigandecides.com

  4. I wish whoever it is would quit littering the public right of ways with all the Trump garbage signs. Must be so many left over they assume they can slap them up all over. But they never return to collect them when it’s over.

    • Bass Man

      If you see a Harris/Walz sign, pull it and put it in Dave’s yard with all the others!

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