Yes It’s True: Virus brings out best and worse in us

“There was a virus goin’ round, Paw caught it, and he died last spring… And Momma doesn’t seem to want to do much of anything.” — Bobbie Gentry, 1967, “Ode to Billy Joe.”

The Coronavirus pandemic crisis provides us with a teachable moment, a chance to find out who we really are as a collection of Americans.

The events of the past several weeks have shown who are the best and worst among us, and there’s plenty of room for in between.

A few examples of the worst:

  • The selfish ones who have purchased massive amounts of toilet paper and hand sanitizer and them hoarded them.
  • The young folks who have continued to party down on the beaches in Florida, noting they aren’t at great risk, but if they visit Grandma they might kill her.
  • The jerks who take advantage of peoples’ fears and sell certain products at outrageous prices, also known as price gouging.
  • The five U.S. Senators, four Republicans and one Democrat, who unloaded their stock investments ahead of the economic downturn, likely because they had inside information.
  • The too numerous Facebook users who spread the virus of misinformation, suggesting this crisis is just Democrats trying to bring down Trump.
  • Facebookers who tell us we should go about our business as usual, ignoring warnings to practice social distancing. Just look at what happened to Italy.

Again this reminds me of documentarian Adam Curtis’ suggestion that politicians no longer are willing or able to solve our problems. They’re too busy working on behalf of their wealthy donors. As Bill Moyers perceptively noted, the United States political system has deteriorated so badly over the years that it’s simply a legalized bribery racket.

Among the examples of the best of us:

  • The public school districts and their volunteers who have coordinated programs to provide breakfasts and lunches to students while they’re not attending school, revealing the unpleasant information that too many children have to rely on such meals.
  • The continuation of the monthly Feeding America Free Food Truck program at the United Church of Wayland, which attracted 124 needy households and 403 people Friday and prompted some of those seeking the food to roll up their sleeves and help with the distribution.
  • The Gun Lake Casino being a good corporate neighbor by closing its doors until April 13 and still paying its employees wages during the down time.
  • Local restaurants offering drive-through meals so patrons won’t face health risks by dining inside.
  • State and federal government making humanitarian moves such as delaying the deadline for filing income taxes and putting a hold on student debt.

So, I suppose the government, aside from deteriorating into a legalized bribery racket, has been able to do a little something for the unwashed masses. But heed the words of Naomi Klein, author of “The Shock Doctrine,” in which she insisted that a crisis can produce a new and improved country, or it can lead to dictatorship. The winner is the one we feed.

For those who believe we’ve never been through anything like this before, I submit the following historical 1918 and 1919 accounts stolen from the Then & Now Historical Library in downtown Dorr:

• Dr. E.O. Hanlon, local health officer, has announced a decision was made at a state-wide health convention that an absolute quarantine be imposed to stop the spread of the influenza virus. He remarked, “Breaking quarantine by any person is a violation of state law.”

• Wayland school officials are recommending that because of the recent influenza epidemic cutting into students’ attendance, they have been advised not to send out report cards. “Teachers will strive earnestly to assist those who need more time to catch up in classroom work.”

• Dr. Ira Slater, village health officer, told the Wayland Village Council he recommended “schools and everything of public meetings be closed” because of continued difficulties with the spread of influenza. So the council decreed, “all schools, churches, pool rooms and public places with 10 ore more people be closed and all residences have placards placed indicating presence of the disease. However, the council, in emergency special session the following day, rescinded the action.

• Editor-Publisher George Mosher reported the church people appreciate the opening of the local houses of worship last Sunday after a hiatus because of the influenza epidemic.

• Frank McOmber, chairman of the Allegan County Board of Supervisors, in cooperation with Gov. Albert Sleeper’s proclamation, is urging people in communities not to gather in public places because of the influenza epidemic. He is asking all communities to shut down all meetings, churches and schools for a 10-day period to slow or halt the spread of the virus. Also recommended is citizens to get a serum treatment.

• The Village Council agreed and asked all churches and schools to close for 10 days and businesses be open only until 6:30 p.m.

• Editor-Publisher George Mosher remarked, “It seems rather quiet with all the public places closed.”

• Wayland now has scored 119 points for the season to the opponents’ 34 and will take on Allegan next month for the county championship. This Saturday’s game against Otsego, however, has been postponed because of the flu.

• The Wayland Grange plans to meet Nov. 2 if enough members are well enough to attend after the influenza epidemic.

• A large number of soldiers at Camp Holibird in Maine are suffering from influenza. Rollo G. Mosher is one of those stationed and he is preparing to ship out and go “Over There.”


  1. Basura

    Things were already looking bad for Trump’s prospects in the 2020 election, even before the failings of his response to COVID-19. Remember, this was a guy that lost the popular vote in 2016 to the weak candidacy of Hilary Clinton. His epic failures of preparedness and leadership don’t help his chances. His distant relationship with the truth is costing lives.

    • Harry Smit

      The huge question is how would any other President handled this issue.
      We have seen how our fellow man rushed to horde, profited from inside information ( selling their stocks), providing scores of misinformation to the public, and turning a disease into a political issue.
      Would of advance notice changed any of these actions or would they have been made worse?
      Hopefully, those young persons ( which supposedly are not in as much risk) take note to how the elderly and those with compromised immune systems are viewed in the eyes of many young people.
      We now know, when times start to get critical the survival of the fittest mode surfaces, which produces panic and fear for many.
      Is it right to place what is happening today on one person? Only, history will tell if the handling of this virus outbreak was done with correct and realistic approaches.
      If we learn anything to help in the future either to prevent or lessen life losses. Those who perished because of this disease did not die in vain.
      To place blame on a person or political party does nothing to protect the people of this Country from future issues.
      Learn from your mistakes so you do not repeat them.

      • dennis longstreet

        Any other President would not start by calling it a HOAX in February and then change to a NATIONAL EMERGENCY in March. He would not listen to experts, he thought he knew more than them.
        The young people were encouraged by the White House to live life as usual. The one person you protect or praise is in charge.
        Let’s learn from our mistakes. Vote in November.

        • John Wilkens


          “The single most consequential and valuable thing done to stop this virus from already spreading throughout the United States was when President Trump decided to shut down travel to China last month,” Cotton said, referring to the administration’s announcement Jan. 31 that it would temporarily bar foreigners from entering the U.S. if they had been to China within the previous 14 days.

          “former Vice President Joe Biden accused Trump of xenophobia and The Washington Post said that Trump overreacted, “the so-called experts who opposed the decision at the time” eventually admitted that it “bought valuable time to prevent the spread of this virus in the United States.”

          “as a result of Trump banning travel from China, the administration was able to stock drugs and medical equipment, work on vaccines and therapeutics, and “getting testing kits out to the front line.”

          “This is just another example though of how the president is going to get criticized for whatever he does.”

          At some point you need to pull your head out of your backside and quit listening to CNN. So now Jan 31st isn’t quick enough? Go have another beer!


          • dennis longstreet

            I wanted to respond to your comment but I feel you dont have the Mental capability to handle it.

  2. Don't Tread On Me

    Mr. Basura,
    Your TDS is rearing its ugly head again!
    How many people died from H1N1 virus during Barry Obama’s presidency? You guys are classic hypocrites. When President Trump closed off flights from China and the Far East, thank God he did, or we would have far more many cases of Coronavirus. What ugly names were hurled at him for doing so?
    Last I knew, the electoral college vote over-rides the popular vote – get over it! Can you imagine what a hell hole we’d have with Hildabeast in charge!!!

  3. Virgil R Gleason

    Many valid points are made in the prior comments, and I am glad to see people are willing to share as it helps work through all of this. The thing missing from all these prior comments, Lift Those Around You! Survivors can bicker and second guess the decisions of others later. Good luck to all. Namaste!

  4. Pat

    If you want to know why T Rump is being criticized for his handling of the Corvid-19 pandemic, you might read the third paragraph of Mr. Wilkens post; [“as a result of Trump banning travel from China, the administration was able to stock drugs and medical equipment, work on vaccines and therapeutics, and “getting testing kits out to the front line.”]. Why is it that medical supplies such as protective face masks, gowns, gloves, shoe covers, and hair covers are dangerously low if the administration was able to stock up? Bronson hospital has announced that they are accepting homemade face masks and even give a link for patterns and instructions and they are not the only hospital to do so. They are also asking people/businesses to donate any excess face masks, rubber gloves and hand sanitizers.
    And then he has the gall to ask why the health workers can’t reuse such supplies. These items are not meant to be reused. Keep in mind it hasn’t been that long ago that a dermatologist from Grand Rapids went to prison for doing that very thing. If you want to be treated by someone using second hand supplies, more power to you.
    T Rump is still stating that anyone who wants a test can get it. At the same time his authorities are saying they are working to make more test kits available but it will take some time. If you want to believe what Trump is force feeding the public, I dare you to go out and try to get yourself tested.
    Quit playing ostrich and actually apply what he is saying (and then denying he said it) to your own family. He might not look quite like the Idol you try to make him out to be.

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