Army Bob: Expect many media attacks on Trump soon

by Robert M. Traxler

Five to seven American hostages are still held by Hamas. Do you know their names? Do you know anything about them?

Probably not; it is not in the best interests of the socialist/progressives to print them. Google the names of the hostages and you will need to dig a bit to find them.

The question we need to ask is why, why do the anti-Jewish protesters not have the names and photos of the American hostages on shirts and signs? Why are the protesters not calling for Hamas to release hostages and then for a cease fire, all 128 or more of the hostages?

Why are the Hamas leaders holding the dead bodies of people hostage? Why are many pro-Hamas anti-Jewish protesters denying (being the dreaded deniers) that the atrocities of Oct. 7, or the Holocaust ever happened?

Will the professional protesters, the people paid by the likes of Mr. George Soros as reported in POLITICO, ANI News, New York Times among others, show up at the national conventions? The conventions for both political parties?

The Democratic National Committee has been attempting to buy, talk and beg their friends in the protest industry to stay home during the Chicago convention. It may work, if the payoff is substantial. The actions of Israel will either help or hurt the effort.

Attack Rafah in force today, and it will be forgotten by Aug.19. Attack Rafah in two months, and it will be still in the minds of the protest industry.

The liberals of old who morphed into the progressives of today are running our country. Folks who do not support the American Bill of Rights, things like the First Amendment and free speech, in favor of politically correct speech and censoring “bullying/hurtful/incorrect” speech, of course as defined by them.

How’s that working out? Especially ignoring the Tenth Amendment insuring an overly powerful, dictatorial federal government does not exist. This column has maintained for over a decade that the progressive movement wants the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights to become “parchment documents” only, historical pieces of paper with no meaning.

To have a socialist government, the Bill of Rights must be relegated to nothing more than a suggestion. 

Polls show President Trump winning 23% of African Americans; a New York Times poll shows him winning in five key swing states, Michigan among them. This will change, as the media has not gone full out yet in its support for President Biden, or its negative coverage of President Trump. The negative coverage of President Trump will become relentless, vicious, bizarre and downright unhinged.

To quote good friend Ranger Rick, a former columnist for this paper, “I guess the overwhelming amount of Americans suffering from over-inflated prices for everything and leaving them with an average of $11,200 less from the Trump years because of inflation is a figment of their imagination?  Joe thinks it is. And the food producers are gouging the consumer? Maybe they are trying to keep prices as low as possible while all their production costs have risen significantly?”

Army Bob Traxler

If President Trump wins, WW3 will immediately start. African Americans will be back in chains, women will be barefoot and pregnant, birth control will be nonexistent, our democracy will be eliminated, his political adversaries will be places on trial (ironically like President Biden is doing), and the environment will collapse.

Interesting that President Trump was our president for four years and nothing like that ever happened (Senator Hillary Clinton was not placed on trial), but who cares? You must blindly believe the government and its willing accomplices in the media in a socialist society. 

The next few months will indeed be strange, perhaps the strangest in our political history. The level of “politically correct” censorship and downright lies by the progressive media, print, electronic and social will determine the outcome of our elections, and it breaks nine to one in favor of the Democrats. My opinion.

3 thoughts on “Army Bob: Expect many media attacks on Trump soon”

    1. Robert Traxler

      Thanks for the comment. Read your link but can not find the retraction or apology from Politico, if they (Politico) did apologies or retract I can’t find it. The New York Post and Business Today, Fox News and others all say he (Mr. Soros) funded the anti Jewish groups indirectly through other groups.
      Thanks again for your comment.

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