Ranger Rick: More climate ‘pie in the sky’ change

If you are like most consumers of media you know about all the horrors of global warming, climate change, global cooling, warming oceans, cooling oceans, CO2 increases, CO2 decreases, etc. Do you believe all that claptrap, or more commonly known as BS?

Contrary to all the media and popular opinion there are scientists and climatologists who believe most of the “facts and figures” are distorted. Example of this is the error of figures for a major ocean warming study. It was researchers from University of California San Diego Institution of Oceanography and Princeton University who walked back scientific findings last month that showed the oceans have been heating up dramatically faster than previously thought as a result of climate change.

Nic Lewis, a mathematician, noticed errors in the calculations. A climate scientist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Ralph Keeling, took full blame for mistake and thanked Lewis for the notice. Keeling admitted, “We really muffed the error margins” in regard to the range of probability the oceans were warming more than previously thought. Rut Row — caught in a lie.

Was this an honest mistake or another scam in trying to alarm the public to encourage more money being thrown at the bogus global warming, global climate change, higher CO2? I suspect the latter, not the former.

Folks, please use your brain. Look at the past — we had periods of warming and cooling (3 Ice Ages and a mini-Ice Age) and we had higher CO2 in the atmosphere — before the recorded history of man. The last 200 years of change certainly changed the earth’s face with development and population, but the weather has gone up and down in extremes of heat and cold. Look at the blizzards of the past — much, much worse than we have ever experienced. Look at the heat of the 1930s with the Dust Bowl effect of plowing land (exposing soil) without rain, causing huge dust storms when the winds increased.

I know I’m a contrarian on this issue, but I believe “Global Warming” was and is a hoax, and they had to change it when the environment started to cool in 1999. So they had to change the narrative to keep the story going — thus “Global Climate Change” was born. Now scientists are saying massive cold is invading the upper atmosphere and affecting our weather caused because of very low sunspot activity on the Sun. Space is cold, and the only thing that generates heat is the Sun, especially when the sun’s energy enters our atmosphere.

Have you ever wondered why there are no other earth-like planets out there that we have found? With water and our atmosphere to support life as we know it — do you see a divine being creating this world? I’m very proud to say I believe in God, and His divine guidance in creating the earth, us, and all the creatures on earth and in the oceans. If you don’t believe that, it is your choice and free will, but do so in ignorance. Science is not God. Science is a poor excuse as a replacement for God.

But now Global (place the next word of the week here) is universally believed by the media, education, and our lawmakers. It is taught as a fact in most (if not all) schools and colleges. Hollywood supports and gives generously to Global Warming, Global Climate Change, etc. and anyone that doesn’t agree are ignorant, hating cretins.

Who was the mover and shaker of the Global Warming idea — Al Gore, a man without a moral compass, as his family was huge in the oil business (Occidental Petroleum) and he benefitted greatly because of it. But he wants you to believe he is the person with the answers by warning of the dangers of Global Warming. He has no scientific standing, he is not a scientist or person of accomplishment in the climatology arena. According to Mr. Gore’s predictions, Manhattan should now be underwater because of the rising seas. Florida should have shrinking coastlines. And anyone having real estate on the ocean will be in peril. What happened?

Mr. Gore has made millions laughing all the way to the bank. And you have been suckered into thinking he was right. It really was an “Inconvenient Lie” instead of an “Inconvenient Truth.”

Look at what was predicted 20 to 25 years ago and what was the result. No change. Manhattan is still there, Florida is not under water, and real estate on the coastlines are hotter than ever to buy. If you have prime coastline real estate and want to sell cheap so you will be on high ground when the seas rise, please give me your number.

Many will cite the storms in the form of hurricanes, tornados, more fires, drought, colder winters — look to the past. There were greater degrees of terrible storms, fires, drought and cold winters in the past than now. You’d never know it listening to the media. Do your own research — think for yourself instead of being guided and influenced by the media, friends, and those probably knowing less than you do.

The rotting of America from within continues…

3 thoughts on “Ranger Rick: More climate ‘pie in the sky’ change”

  1. Ranger Rick
    Excellent article…Hitting the nail on the head…as the saying goes.
    So many young ( those less than 65 yrs of age ) .Have been given so many misleading so called facts they really are confused and just follow what is popular at the time.
    It’s hard to condemn some of the environmental improvements, as recycling, cleaner water. But when those on the radical end of the organization call for absurd regulations they shed a bad taste on any improvements made.
    Scientific research is a wonderful occupation, it has discovered many cures in the medical field, has helped increase food production, etc
    The area of its failure is dealing with our climate. There seems to be theory because the scientific community has done all these other wonderful things they must be correct when it comes to our climate.
    Scientists will not accept they can never control the climate…doing so would mean their is truly something science can not improve .

  2. I do read research and check scientists’ credentials and employment contracts.

    That’s why GM and Standard Oil formed The Eythyl Lead Company and paid scientists to publish papers claiming lead in gasoline was safe. That company lobbied and advertised why lead in gasoline didn’t present risks to public health. They just presented “common sense” arguments. Meanwhile, other scientists who weren’t on the payroll of were warning about the health consequences from lead ingestion from vehicle exhaust for decades. Comes down to if you want to believe the majority of the scientific and academic community or scientists on the payroll of fossil fuel companies.

    Same kinds of “science” and scientists who worked for Big Tobacco who said smoking wasn’t harmful, and lined up doctors to shill about the benefits of smoking. More common sense choosing which science to believe.

    Try as one might to politicize science, it’s not a take out menu selection. If you have cancer, are you questioning your oncologist’s beliefs in science or trusting that their political leaning doesn’t effect their medical judgment.

    You want to ignore longer heat waves and shorter cold snaps? You want to ignore the shrinking polar icecaps that are changing the Gulf Stream? You want to ignore the lack of long freezes that used to kill insects like the pine beetle stopping that insect from destroying the evergreens in the Rocky Mountains?

    Even President Trump, one of the most well known “Climate Deniers,” believes in climate change. We know that because the Trump Golf and Resorts in County Clare Ireland of The Trump Organization cited “global warming and its effects” to build a sea wall and stop coastal erosion on the golf course.

    So even President Trump believes in global climate change if it involves one of his properties.

    And so it goes.

  3. Maybe pray to have the deity eliminate global climate change? Or eliminate the hoax of global climate change that has so many people (and polar bears) upset?

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